
Ct’s style is that it’s got no style, I mean, like, for normal people because really it’s full of rich preppy yups, illusioned by money and TV commercials, but despite that, it’s just between everything. It’s not quite the city (New York or Boston) where again despite! not living in either place, connecticutians (conneties? connectonians?) whatever we are called, will swear allegiance to the nearest most densely populated area anywhere else outside of the state. I mean who wants to say they are from Nor-wack and while Yale might be in New Haven, it still has the appropriate title “gunwavein” New Haven. Danbury’s only saving grace is the heirloom arts theater and the fact that Dethclock said it was a more brutal place than Finland.

It’s also important to mention that there is a large sect of “Connecticuters” (I looked it up) who believe that they are somewhere in the south or Midwest, kind of a strange not quite southern redneck version of the Vermonter or Maine Hick. You can see a lifted duly Dodge ram with an enormous American flag hoisted on a pole in the bed parked next to a Maserati.

It’s because Connecticut has no real identity other than being overlooked and conforming to a random social strata. really, you should think of people from CT like pieces of the asteroid belt. At one point those pieces could have been it’s own planet, but now it’s just a bunch of lost rocks trapped between the gravities of Saturn and Jupiter.

Don’t get me wrong though I’m glad I grew up here, and more importantly I’m glad I just didn’t stay in my one particular bubble of CT, but at the same time once you are in mid high school, there is nothing for a young person to really do there. It’s the most emigrated from area of the U.S. behind the city of Detroit, It doesn’t even have the ocean because Road Island occupies its only de jure claim. It’s taxed too high and in a world where most people will still be straddled with their collage loan debt into their fifties, it’s likely only going to become more of a haven for rich young families to raise their rich young kids.

Once they become older rich kids they will likely look to the much more oriented states that begin with C, ie. Colorado/ California.

Still you can find any kind of person there, and the word I would use to describe Conecticuters is adaptable.